Masterpieces are a rarity, but Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller have written a book that is just that - a masterpiece. The subtitle of Boundaries for Your Soul says it all - “How to Turn Your Overwhelming Thoughts and Feelings into Your Greatest Allies.” My overwhelming anxiety and shame have become my allies in this thing called life. The things that once drug me down now are my greatest tool.
Though it is rare for a book to transform a life like the Bible, Cook and Miller’s masterpiece partners with the Word and brings practical steps to applying the Truth in your daily life.
Favorite Quotes:
“...Your thoughts and feelings belong to distinct parts of your personality, and they’re vying for control. Each of these well-meaning parts has its own agenda - its own ideas about how to think, feel, and act in any given moment. Each one contends for your attention and believes its strategy to be best.”
“You’re able to advocate on behalf of parts of your soul when you’re relating to them from a comfortable distance.”
“The key to keeping extreme thoughts and feelings in check is not to get rid of them, but to extend grace and guide them from your Spirit-led self.”
“Delineating your own internal boundaries empowers you to care well for others.”
“What if both of these parts - your shaming inner critic and the exile carrying the burden of shame - could become your allies?”
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