A Strange Way to Save the World || The Party Goers

Read the first blog here and the second blog here.

One of the most iconic birthday ceremonies is when Marilyn Monroe sang to JFK.

And I think a close second is North West’s “Kidchella” themed birthday party.

Only the best of the best….or more like the richest of the richests...are invited to these types of affairs.

visit: peaceloveandpearjellybeans.blogspot.com

I mean North West is cute and all but Jesus, the King of the World, deserved the most warm welcome into this earth.

That’s why only the finest opened their home to the Savior….
...the farm animals.

Hey, maybe the cows drooled a little extra in the manger for him.  I mean, who said cows aren’t hospitable?

The next to arrive weren’t royalty or a celebrity.  Actually, the first guests to arrive had a similar aroma to the stable.

This time Gabe sent some friends to visit shepherds in their field.
“Hey, guys!!” shouts an angel.
The shepherds jump to their feet with their staffs ready to fight.
“Guys, guys, put the staffs down.” the angel says trying to calm them down.
“Who are you?” One of shepherds says shakily.
“Don’t be afraid!  Remember that Messiah you’ve been praying for, heck your whole family has been praying for for generations? He’s ALIVE!”
They all cheer, as a host of angels appear.
“Except, not how you think.  It’s a baby in a manger.”
“A manger?” One of the shepherds questions.
“Like the one ole Bessy here eats out of?” another asks as he pats the sheep by his side.
“Yes,” the angel replies chuckling, “Now go to Bethlehem to see him.”
They started running towards Bethlehem.
“Come on guys, keep up!” shouts the shepherd in the front.
“Yeah guys! Hurry up!” exclaims the guy on the other’s heels.
(see Luke 2:8-20)

Meanwhile remember week 1 how mad Herod was?  Well he got his wish on the census.  But the census wasn’t to count the people, it was to ensure the Messiah would be at the city of David, Bethlehem.

“Sssssirr? I hate to be the bearing of bad news again, but uhhh the Mmmmmmmessiah was born.”
“Wait? Born?” Herod questions, “As in a baby?”
“Yesssss” the messenger said cowering.
“Ha! This will be easy.”
A few moments later the messenger returns with three men.
“Hey guys!” King Herod says with a smile, “How’s it going? How can we help you?”
The first stepped up, “Your Hinise, we have been traveling from the East and saw a star.  Do you know what that is?
Herod had a Gru moment *light bulb* and exclaims, “Where is the Messiah to be born again?”
The second replies “In Bethlehem, sir.”
Herod gets an evil smile and says, “Will you go there for me? See where he’s at and report back to me, so that I may worship him.”
The last one responds, “Sure thing, sir.  We will give you the full report.”

On their way to Bethlehem they picked up some gifts - I mean you can’t show up empty handed.
When they arrived they worshipped him (Jesus was a few years old at this point).
One night before they left God appeared to them in a dream to reveal Herod’s plot. His plot wasn’t to worship Him, but to kill Him.
When the sun came up, they hightailed it back to their Motherland.
(see Matthew 2)

I mean the three men were Magi, so they were fancier than the shepherds, but they were literally late to the party.  They showed up when Jesus was a toddler.

So why these guys?  Why not Beyonce?  Where was Marilyn Monroe?  How about the Kardashians?

I believe God had a few reasons:
1.) To show that He’s enough - if Jesus was born in a fancy Swedish hospital where doctors like Cristina Yang worked.  You’d know that God is worthy.  But a baby in a manger?  That proves to us more that He is enough.  If a baby can save the world, then in the little things God will always be enough.

2.) To reveal His character - if Ryan Gosling strutted into your kid’s party, you’d think you were hot stuff.  But when hard working men that represent your heritage (David), like the shepherds, keeps your humble.  And Jesus’ life would reveal that character - humility.

3.) To reveal His Divinity - the wise men were no mistake. Jesus is Divine and Mary and Joseph needed that reassurance.  I mean when your first two guests are stinky and dirty, you would definitely start to doubt that your kid was really as worthy as you thought.  Then three well dressed men show up with gifts and start worshipping your son.  All doubt goes away.

visit: https://peaceloveandpearjellybeans.blogspot.com/

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