A Strange Way to Save the World || The Preteen

Read the first blog here .

When I was 12 I had this “outfit.”  It was perfect for outdoor recess in the winter because it kept me warm and I didn’t have to wear my big puffy jacket.  Oh it was the most AWKWARD outfit ever - grey Nike crew neck with purple sweatpants (without elastic on the bottom) and khaki crocs.

Name one 12 year old...besides some Disney character….that isn’t/wasn’t awkward.

At 12 years old your body is changing.  As your physical body develops (thanks for scaring me American Girl Body Book), so is your brain.  You’re developing your personality. You’re developing socially.  You have more hormones flying than your brain can handle.  As a result...awkwardness.

Now I never had the usual, 12-year old problem of being like Bambi with strangely long legs, but I definitely felt the mental and social awkwardness.

visit: peaceloveandpearjellybeans.blogspot.com

As you read this intro, I know middle school memories came flying back.  You sank into your seat with red cheeks thinking about it.  Some of you might have hyperventilated in brown paper bag.  And most of you are ready to be done reading this blog...and I am just finishing the intro.

Imagine this...being 12 again (stay with me...your pain is almost over).  But there is a twist.  An angel name Gabriel - remember him from last week? - came to you and said you are going to be a mother!

You read that correctly...a mother.  I mean your parents might have had the birds and the bees chat already, but you haven’t gotten to the “Miracle of Birth” video in health class yet! And the news just gets “better” - your baby is the King of the Jews and long awaited Messiah.

Before everyone unsubscribes, you can take yourself out of your 12 year old shoes (I just slipped off my khaki crocs myself).

This story isn’t about us (wipe the sweat off your brow)...it’s about Mary, the mother of Jesus.

In the most developmental time of your life. A time that defines your almost as much as the first year of life.  A time that is hard and awkward enough, Mary faced new challenges.  She faced challenges that NO ONE, not even her mom, had ever faced.

Theologians believe Mary to be 12-14 years old.  I imagine a socially awkward girl with Bambi-like legs with even bigger dreams.  I imagine a girl with the desire to be loved and socially accepted. I imagine a girl with a heart for God.

She landed herself a marriage to the stud carpenter.  He may have had splinters in his hands and dust on his robe, but he loved God.  She probably felt the pressure to not mess this up.

Then our buddy Gabe from last week shows up:
“Hey Mary!  How are you?” Gabe exclaims.
Mary looking confused, “Ummmm, hi?”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Gabe says cheerfully, “God has sent me to you because He loves you. I’m Gabriel.  My angelic friends call me Gabe.”
“Hey Gabe.  Nice to meet you,” Mary says hesitantly, “My mom says I really shouldn’t take to strangers, but if you’re an angel, I guess it will be alright?”
Laughing Gabriel replies, “Yes, sweetie.  It is alright.  Hey, I have a message for you from God.  You know how you hear about the Messiah that is coming in the Temple.”  Mary nods and Gabriel continues, “Well, you’re pregnant with that Messiah. And…”
“Wait? What?” Mary interrupts, “How can that be? I’m a...I’m a virgin? This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen? How will I tell Joseph?  And my moth..”
Gabe stops her and lays his hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry Mary. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you a holy Son.  You will name him Jesus.  And let me handle Joe.  You, instead, tell your sister Elizabeth because she too will have a son!”
Gabe continues to explain...and redefine every anatomy lesson she’s had.
Mary looks at him with innocent confusion.  But utter peace overcame the confusion and she replied, “‘I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.’ And then the angel left her (Matthew 1:38).”
(see Matthew 1:26-38)

God could have - or dare we say “should” have - picked a woman like the mom in Cheaper by the Dozen with experience raising kids.  
God could have picked a woman who was independent and not living with her mom and dad still.
God could have picked a woman...well who is actually a woman and not a little girl.

But God, unlike man, looks at the heart.  He knew Mary loved Him.  He knew Mary was obedient towards Him.  And He knew that someone with that heart for Him could be equipped with His wisdom to raise His Son.

I like to think what I would say to God in my grey crew neck, purple sweats, and khaki crocs and I strutted down the hall with my orange crossbody purse.  I think there would be tears, panic, and lots of brown paper bags to breathe into.

Unlike my undeveloped 12-year old mind….okay unlike my 24-year old mind too...Mary responded with this:

Mary responded,
“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
   and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
For the Mighty One is holy,
   and he has done great things for me.
He shows mercy from generation to generation
   to all who fear him.
His mighty arm has done tremendous things!
   He has scattered the proud and haughty ones.
He has brought down princes from their thrones
   and exalted the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
   and sent the rich away with empty hands.
He has helped his servant Israel
   and remembered to be merciful.
For he made this promise to our ancestors,
   to Abraham and his children forever.”
--Matthew 1:46-55
God calls us to do crazy things because he knows our hearts.  And when our hearts know Him - they are teachable.
In the midst of this crazy world - let us respond like Mary.
visit: peaceloveandpearjellybeans.blogspot.com

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