When the Fog Moves In

Florence Chadwick made big dreams and set world records.  Florence was the first woman to swim the English Channel both ways.  But she didn’t stop there.  She set a goal to swim from Catalina Island to California’s mainland.  On her first attempt, she swam 15 hours before stopping and being pulled into the boat.

The weather was cold and the distance was long for any swimmer. But when asked why she stopped, it wasn’t any of those things.  She said it was because of the fog. The passengers in the boat informed Florence that she was less than one mile from the shoreline.


Florence lost sight of the shore - she lost perspective.

How many times in your life has the fog moved in and you’ve gotten into the boat?

The answer for me is - I can’t even count the number of times!  It’s so easy to give up when you lose perspective.  But the swim will never be perfectly easy. Jesus says that point blank, “In this world there will be trouble…” (John 16:33 - emphasis mine).

I might have backed Rae Dunn in her proclamation that 2020 is the Best Year Ever (read more here), but I have swum in the fog this year.

The fog of depression.
The fog of anxiety.
The fog of COVID-19.
The fog of unemployment.

The fog of 2020 moved in and my view of the shoreline was blocked.

After my wave of depression, I had this epiphany for my career.  It was scary to let go of what I’m doing now, but exciting to pursue something I love.  It was even scarier to see if the powers that be would even support me.  Their response was so unexpected - within minutes of sending the email I was asked, “how soon can you start?”

Obviously not long after this, COVID-19 and its subsequent side effects brought the fog in front of the shoreline.

Maybe God has given you a vision.  Maybe your mental health, 2020’s nonsense, or other circumstances have pushed the fog in front of the shoreline.

I read this story of Florence on March 30th - one week after being laid off.  I wrote the story of Florence swimming to California in my journal. And then I wrote this:
“When the fog moves in, the shoreline doesn’t move or change.”

When our circumstances move the fog in front of the shoreline - in front of the view of our dreams - the shoreline (the dream/vision) doesn’t move or change.  This is the perspective the Enemy wants you to believe (see John 10:10), but this isn’t the truth.

Jesus didn’t stop his conversation with, “In the world there will be trouble.”  He kept going, saying:
“But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Take heart - to be courageous; to regain one’s courage (source)

When the fog blocks the shoreline and blocks your view, take heart!

Look, I don’t blame Florence.  I mean no way I could swim for 15 hours.  She deserves a round of applause just for swimming that long.  But I don’t want to get in the boat just to find out I’m less than a mile from the shore.

Florence took heart though.  She regained her courage and tried it again….and good news - she made it!




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