Life Flip

Peace Love and Pear Jelly Beans

I just wanted to share a quick God moment. So I went to a thing on Friday (and every Friday) called Gethsemane Prayer Meeting in NY. Well I was praying and I was like God, I’m done talking I want you to do the talking. Then I had like this dream-like thing happen when I got out of the driver’s side of the door and He got out of the passenger’s side and He held the door open for me and we switched seats. He started driving. He took me back to the first time I gave my life to Him. I seriously felt myself there. It was soooo real! But it didn’t stop there. He took me through all these dark times and He showed me where He was in all of it. The late nights crying….with Him by my side. The times I felt lost….with Him by my side. All of it! He then showed me the time after those days when I came to find Him in my life again (although He had never left). I felt the tears I shed that day I found Him in the silence of a Taize service and silent meditation (maybe in the future I’ll share in detail this story). Then He took me to college (skipping over India….He’ll later explain why). I then opened my eyes. I was like, “hold up, God, I have a question…why am I here?” He was like, “Yeah I’m getting to that." He said, “Remember that day that everything went wrong , you asked me to flip your world upside down because you couldn’t live this way anymore.”

That day….that was my first KCCC meeting! I wish I had the words to tell you how I feel. But then He took me back to India. I could feel myself there (like all other events).  He let me feel the tears again and the looks and the touch of it all. He ended the conversation with us driving into a really bright light and the next thing I know we were standing up singing. WOW! It was so powerful.


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